Mexico Fishing Policy

Mexico Fishing Policy (Latin to English)

Authourized Translation from Latin to English &

Agency of Apply Fishing Permits/Licenses in Mexico with Govorments by:




I refer to your letter dated of May 20, 2020, received on May 22, 2020, by which you indicate that you are interested to know the technical detailed guidelines and requirements to obtain detailed opinion and therefore, a commercial fishing permit for hake with specialized vessel, for which I requested the following:

  1. Your recommendation and requirements, such as bringing on board an observer designated by CONAPESCA and INAPESCA for the entire duration of the fishing trips charged to our company.

  2. Your opinion on how to participate and collaborate in the research programs established by the Institute to deepen the technical scientific knowledge of the fishery

  3. Written response to know the Institute's availability in the diversification of fisheries and its recommendations "(Sic)

 In this regard, I inform you of the following:

The National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (INAPESCA) is the decentralized public body in charge of directing, coordinating and guiding scientific and technological research on fishing matters; annually develops research projects through which evaluations are carried out for the management of each fishery, among which are the hake resource, the results of which are included in the updates of the files of the National Fisheries Charter, which in accordance with the Article 32 of the General Law of Fishing and sustainable Aquaculture, is "binding in the decision-making of the fishing authority in the adoption and implementation of instruments and measures for the control of fishing effort, in the resolution of requests for granting and permits for the performance of fishing and aquaculture activities, and in the implementation and execution of actions and measures related to the said administrative acts

 Therefore, the information requested such as status, fishing gear (nets, floats, lines), catch methods and recent effort are included in the Northern Pacific hake file "of the National Fisheries Charter published on June 11, 2018 (on pages 48 to 50), which is attached for quick reference.

I emphasize what is established in the sections of "Fishing gear (nets, floats, lines), catch methods and effort" of the Northern Pacific Hake file of the National Fishing Charter (DOF, 06/11/2018), which is indicated as fishing gear (nets, floats, lines) of larger vessel with scale trawl net, being able to be of double rig (tackle) or stern trawl "(Sic). Likewise, based on the existing information, the maximum effort of 80 Commercial Fishing Permits for larger vessels with activity along the Gulf of California was estimated.

Regarding your affirmation that the company (that you represent) requested "commercial fishing permits for hake with two larger specialized vessels with trawl nets operating at mid-water, in waters of

Federal Pacific Ocean Jurisdiction in the Gulf of California (Recap), I informed that up to date no application for a commercial fishing permit for the Hake resource has been received on behalf of YOUNG STAND FISHERIES AND SEAFOOD S.DE R.L. DE C.V. as indicated in your writing

Regarding knowing the "availability of the Institute in the diversification of fisheries and its recommendations (Recap), I comment that based on what is indicated in article 20 of the current regulation, it is stated that" For/in case of aquatic flora and fauna species not considered within the National Fishing Charter, the applications for permits will be subject to the guidelines established for fishing promotion. As for the diversification of fisheries, if there is any kind of your interest that is not included in the Nacional fishery Charter (in none of its updates), you must get a Fishing Promotion Permit with the requirements established in article 74 of the current regulation of the Fishing Law (Official Federal Daily: 01/28/2004)


M. EN C. MARIELA BRITO CHAVARRIA In Charge of Leadership of Criap Ensenada

C.C.:  - M. en C. Pedro Sierra Rodriguez / Deputy General Manager of INAPESCA (National Fisheries Institute) Pacific Fisheries Research       

File and Minute Book                                                     


Enclosure A:  Record card of North Pacific Hake of the National Fishing Charter (Official Federal Daily, June 11, 2018). part l of 3.

17. Northern Pacific Hake                            


6/11/2018 DOF – Federal Official Daily

                                Baja California 20%

                                Sonora  80%

                                South Baja California (with potential)

Catch zone    Marine waters of Federal Jurisdiction of the Gulf of California and western coast of Baja California, with the potential of commercial use on the western coast of the Southern Baja California Peninsula, in front of Baía Magdalena.

Fishing unit     larger vessel with the capacity greater than 10 t of net weight. Trawl scale net, able to be of double rig and/or stern trawl.  The fishing trips can travel between 1 to 7 days.

1. Generalities

  Target species

Common name Scientific name

Northern Pacific Hake              Merluccius Productus

   It is distributed from the continental shelf (12 m) to the slope (500 m).  Carnivorous fish that feed on pelagic and invertebrate’s fish. It has been reported that body (organisms) of 99 cm in total length are in the Gulf of California. Its population doubles in a minimum time of 4.5-14 years.

Enclosure A: Northern Pacific Hake Record Card of the National Fisheries Charter (Federal Official Daily, June 11, 2018), part 2 of 3.

            [left: ton          bottom: Resource - Annual Fishing Statistics       top: Capture 2006-2015]   

2. Fishery indicators

        Fishing starts from December to May. The registration of fishing in the period 2006-2015 showed a positive trend, with 10,000 t in 2014. The exploration ocean cruiser studies by Inapesca have documented that the biomass is concentrated in the central and northern region of the Gulf of California.

 3. Environmental effects and climate change

      The details of the effects of environmental changes are not known.

 4. Regulations and instruments for fisheries policy and management

======= 6/11/2018                                           Federal Official Daily

Management Control                 yes/no         Disposition     Means of  Support

   Official Mexican Standard      X         There is none.

   Fishing Management Plan        X         Under elaboration process

  Type of Access                               P           Commercial Fishing                   

  Technical    opinion by                                                                                            

  Permit for Hake    INAPESCA

 Minimum Size                              X        Under research process                      

===============================================================   6/11/2018     

Federal Official Daily

Management Control                 yes/no         Disposition     Means of Support

Fishing gear and catch method    P                   larger vessel with scale  technical opinion by                                 trawl net, being able to  INAPESCA           be of double rig and/or      stern trawl  

Ban   X       under research process

Quota  X       under evaluation process

Fishing Unit   P     Larger Vessels                    

Technical opinion by                    

INAPESCA         Effort     P     

Optimum effort between technical opinion by 70-80 vessels                             

INAPESCA __________                  

Enclosure A: Northern Pacific Hake Record Card of the National Fisheries Charter (Federal Official Daily, June 11, 2018), part 3 of 3.

Management Control                 yes/no         

Disposition     Means of Support

Fishing Zone    P Marine Waters of Federal Technical opinion by    Jurisdiction of the Gulf of INAPESCA California and western coast of Baja California, with potential of commercial use in the western coast of the Southern Baja California Peninsula, in front of Bahía


5. Management Strategies and Tactics:

    Strategies: Usage (Harvest) rate and catch quota

Management tactics:  Effort control, minimum size of capture, regulation in the gear and method of capture, fishing zone. The Consultative Committee for Fisheries Management of the Hake Resource is installed.


6. Status

      Resources with development potential.

7. Management recommendation

    a. Process and publish the Official Mexican Standard to regulate the use of the resource.

    b. Publish and implement the Fisheries Management Plan to order the use of the resource.

c. Promote the participation of the Hake Fisheries Management Consultative Committee,     

    installed in 2015.

    d. Do not increase the effort.

    e. Issue specific commercial fishing permits for hake.

f. Implement a monitoring and follow-up program for the fishery that allows evaluating its  

   impact under the coordination and supervision by INAPESCA.

18.  Pacific oyster         

--------------- END ---------------

墨西哥補魚政策 (中文)







我參考了您2020 年 5 月 22 日的來信(發信日期:2020 年 5 月 20 日), 其中您方表示有興趣了解詳細的技術指南和要求,以獲得詳細的意見,並因此來獲得一份專門船隻捕撈鱈魚的商業許可證。為此我提出了以下要求:

  1. 您的建議和要求,例如: 在整個捕撈旅途間, 帶著一名由CONAPESCA 和 INAPESCA指定的觀察員, 而觀察員之費用由我們公司支付。

  2.   您對如何參與和合作研究所建立的研究計劃以深化漁業技術科學知識方面而有的意見。

  3.  書面答覆以了解研究所在漁業多樣化方面的可用性及其建議(原文如此)。


國家漁業和水產養殖研究所(INAPESCA)是分散性的公共機構,負責指導、協調和輔導有關漁業事項等方面而有的科學和技術研究;每年發展研究項目,並通過這些項目對每個漁業事項的管理進行評估,其中包括鱈魚資源,其結果含括在國家漁業憲章文件的更新資料中,其乃根據第 32 條《漁業和可持續水產養殖總法》“對漁業局為控管捕撈作業規模等方面而有的相關工具和措施的採用和實施,  為有關漁業和水產養殖活動之進行而有的授予權和許可證申請書之裁定,和為與上述行政行為有關的行動和措施的實施和執行等事項而有的決策, 是具有約束力的”。

  因此,2018 年 6 月 11 日發布的《國家漁業憲章》(第 48 至 50 頁)的北太平洋無鬚鱈魚文件中包含了所要求的信息,例如: 狀況、捕魚裝置(網、浮筒、釣線)、捕撈方法和最近的作業規模,在此附上以供參閱。 



關於您確認該公司(您所代表的)要求“兩艘配備拖網的大型專業船隻在中央水域、                                加利福尼亞灣聯邦太平洋管轄區(摘述),在此告知您到目前為止,尚未收到代表            YOUNG STAYOUNG STAND FISHERIES AND SEAFOOD S.DE R.L. DE C.V.        的鱈魚資源商業捕魚許可證的申請,          如您在書面中所述:

關於了解“該研究所在漁業多樣化方面的可用性及其建議(摘述),我的論點是根據現行法規第 20 條的規定,其指出”對於/在國家捕魚憲章中未考慮水生植物群和動物群物種的情況下,許可證的申請將受制於為促進捕魚其發展而製定的準則。至於漁業的多樣化,如果您的任何利益未包含在國家漁業憲章(未在其更新資料中),您必須取得符合現行漁業法規第 74 條的規定下而取得漁業促進許可證(官方聯邦日報:01/28/2004)。 


 M. EN C. MARIELA BRITO CHAVARRIA                                                

 Criap Ensenada(官方代表人)  

CC:- M. en C. Pedro Sierra Rodriguez/INAPESCA(國家漁業研究所)太平洋漁業研究所副總經理        

          - 文件和記錄簿                                                    



附件 A:  國家漁業憲章北太平洋無鬚鱈魚記錄卡(《聯邦官方日報》,2018 年 6 月 11 日)。


      17. 北太平洋無鬚鱈                           


6/11/2018    DOF – 聯邦官方日報

       下加利福尼亞 (Baja California)  20%

        索諾拉 (Sonora)   80%

        南下加利福尼亞 (Southern Baja California)(有潛力

捕撈區            加利福尼亞灣和下加利福尼亞(Baja California)西海岸聯邦管轄區的海洋水域,在巴亞馬格達萊納 (Baía Magdalena) 前面的南下加利福尼亞 (Southern Baja California)半島西海岸具有商業用途的潛力。

釣魚機組           容量大於 10 噸淨重的較大型船隻。拖網,可以是雙索具和/或船尾拖網。捕撈行程時間為 1 至 7 天。

1. 概括性


     通用名稱       科學名稱

     北太平洋無鬚鱈魚               Merluccius Productus

   分佈於大陸架(12 m)至斜坡(500 m)。以遠洋魚類和無脊椎動物魚類為食的肉食性魚類。據報導,全長99厘米的物體(生物)在加利福尼亞灣。其種群在 4.5-14 年的最短時間裡翻倍。


附件 A:  國家漁業憲章北太平洋無鬚鱈魚記錄卡(《聯邦官方日報》,2018 年 6 月 11 日)。


                        [左:噸                  上方:捕撈 2006-2015           下方 :資源 - 年度捕魚統計]                   

2. 漁業指標

        12 月至次年 5 月開始捕撈。2006-2015 年期間的捕撈登記呈積極趨勢,2014 年為 10,000 噸。INAPESCA 的遠洋巡洋艦探勘研究記錄,生物量集中在加利福尼亞灣的中部和北部地區。

3. 環境影響和氣候變化


第五之四 B 頁

4. 漁業政策和管理的法規和文書

=====================================================================================6/11/2018  聯邦官方日報                                                                                                                                             

            管理控制                   是/否                 安排情况                              支援憑藉                   

墨西哥官方標準     X           無

捕魚管理計劃 X                 正在製定過程中             

使用權類型                                    P              獲得捕撈鱈魚商業許可證         INAPESCA的技術觀點                                                                                                                                                                     

最小尺寸                  X                 正在研究過程中                                                                                                                                                             

            管理控制                   是/否                 意向                              支援憑藉                   

漁具和捕撈方法 P             具有規模的大型船舶拖網                      INAPESCA 的技術意見                能夠使用雙索具和/或船尾拖網                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

禁令       X        正在研究過程中

配額       X        正在評估過程中

釣魚機組    P        更大規模的船隻                    INAPESCA 的技術意見

作業規模 P 介於70-80 艘船之間的最佳規模 INAPESCA 的技術意見    

A:國家漁業憲章北太平洋無鬚鱈魚記錄卡(《聯邦官方日報》,2018 年 6 月 11 日)。


       管理控制                  是/否                       意向                                 支援憑藉                    

       釣魚區      P                 加利福尼亞灣和下加利福尼亞  INAPESCA 的技術意見 西海岸聯邦轄區的海洋水域, 在 巴哈馬格達萊納 (Bahía Magdalena) 前面的南下加利福尼亞半島 西海岸具有商業用途的潛力。                                       


5. 管理策略和策略:

    策略:  使用(收穫)率和捕獲配額

    管理策略:作業規模加以控制、最小捕獲量、漁具和捕獲方法的規定、漁業區。設立了鱈魚資             源漁業管理諮詢委員會。

6. 狀況


7. 管理建議

      a.    處理並發布墨西哥官方標準以規範資源的使用。

      b.   發布和實施漁業管理計劃以責令資源的使用。

      c.   促進2015 年設立的鱈魚漁業管理諮詢委員會的參與。                                

      d.   不要加大作業規模。

      e.   頒發特定的鱈魚商業捕魚許可證。

      f.   實施漁業監測和後續計劃,以便在 INAPESCA 的協調和監督下評估其影響。

18.  太平洋牡蠣              

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